Construction work is well under way at TVIS, the district heating distributor owned jointly by the municipalities of Middelfart, Fredericia, Vejle and Kolding. The network has been expanded to include connections to Vamdrup, Jelling and Bredsten-Balle, pipelines have been relocated along two road bridges in Vejle in the wake of the electrification of the railway, and more green improvements are planned for the coming years.
This enlargement of the network is estimated to save the inhabitants of Vamdrup,
Jelling and Bredsten-Balle more than DKK 153 million over the next 20 years. Households in the areas previously served by TVIS will save around DKK 70 million in the same period, as the changes mean more efficient use of existing heat. The network expansion will also cut carbon emissions by 9,400 tonnes a year. Even now, TVIS is at the dark green end of the Danish Energy Agency’s renewables rankings with carbon emissions of 10.74 kg/GJ, less than a third of those for an air-source heat pump.
The project has been financed with a green loan from KommuneKredit in the district heating category.
Our district heating is based on waste heat, sustainable woodchip and waste incineration. This means that TVIS offers astable, environmentally friendly and futureproof heating solution that makes a big contribution to achieving municipal carbon reduction targets.
Jørgen Nielsen