ESG strategy and objectives

Besides being part of our DNA, sustainability is part of our Strategy 2025. We strive to integrate sustainability into our business model and it remains our aim to anchor a strong ESG profile across our organisation and to play a key role in the green transition of the Danish society. Thus, integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our operations is a core commitment for us.


Supporting green and social initiatives

KommuneKredit’s business model is essentially about giving Danish municipalities and regions more financial leeway by offering funding and financial advice at the lowest possible cost.

Nearly all the loans we issue or lease agreements we enter into serve green or social purposes, such as climate and coastal protection, public transport and energy efficiency in public buildings, or contribute to the establishment of elderly housing, local sports centres, schools and district heating. In that sense, sustainability is an inherent part of KommuneKredit’s business model.

Danish municipalities and regions have high ambitions for the sustainable transition of Danish local communities. All Danish municipalities have developed climate action plans to deliver on the Paris Agreement.

We are dedicated to offering instant and straight­forward access to finance projects that ensure local growth and support the green transition across Denmark, with equal opportunities and terms for all.

The total value of our loans exceeds DKK 175 billion, and we continuously strive to increase the proportion of green loans.

Read about the Danish mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ties' climate action plans
Cloudburst protection in Copenhagen

ESG approach

As a financial institution that facilitate welfare and green transition across Denmark with our low-cost financing it is natural for us to focus our primary ESG efforts on lending, leasing agreements and investments, which are our core business areas. However, we are also committed to making a difference by managing our business responsibly, reducing the climate impact of our operations and ensuring good working conditions for our more than 100 employees.

We have established nine ESG objectives that, together with our Policy for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability and our Code of Conduct, form the foundation of our work. These objectives set the direction and help us achieve results from our ESG efforts across the business.

Explore our policies

Our nine ESG objectives

Our ESG objectives are directed towards our products and operations. Most of our objectives emphasise climate and have been approved by our Board. We also focus on social and governance responsibility.

25 per cent green loans (E)

Increase the share of green loans to at least 25 per cent by 2025.

Mapping of carbon footprint (E)

Map the carbon footprint from our loan and investment portfolio.

Reduction targets for our portfolio (E)

Assess the possibility of setting reduction targets for the carbon footprint of our loan and investment portfolio by 2025.

Reduction of CO2 emissions from our own operations (E)

Reduce carbon emissions related to our own operations by at least 55 per cent by 2030 relative to 2018.

CO2 compensation (E)

Annually compensate carbon emissions from our operations that cannot be eliminated or reduced.

Inclusive corporate culture (S)

Promote an inclusive corporate culture towards 2025.

Employee satisfaction (S)

Maintain a high level of employee well-being.

Strengthened ESG governance (G)

Further strengthen our ESG governance.

Increased visibility (G)

Increase the visibility of our ESG profile.


Contact our ESG team

The key anchor point of our ESG work is the Treasury & Sustainability department. Please feel free to contact our experts within sustainable finance.

Send an email to our sustainable finance team

Read more about

Projects we have financed

Contact us

If you would like to know more about treasury and sustainable financing in KommuneKredit, please feel free to contact us.

Telephone hours

Monday - Friday