Green Loans and the SDGs

Responsibility and serving the common good is an inherent part of our business model and we are therefore naturally committed to support the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


In 2020, we conducted a high-level mapping of the SDGs against our lending purposes, which demonstrates that our lending supports a variety of the SDGs.


Due to the joint and several liability of our members, our close ties to local governments and the non-profit basis of our business model, KommuneKredit has particularly favorable preconditions for supporting the sustainable development of our societies and generate positive impact.


See which SDGs our lending supports:

Funding for water supply plants and distribution, as well as waste water plants and sewerage, contribute to provide access to safe drinking water, ensure sustainable management of water, and reduce water pollution.




Funding for district heating supply plants and distribution as well as solar collector systems and biomass and biogas plants contribute to ensure access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy and increase the share of renewable energy.




Funding for harbour infrastructure and public transport contribute to develop sustainable and resilient infrastructure and support economic development while funding for IT equipment contribute to increase access to information and communications technology.




Funding for public transport, waste disposal collection and emergency preparedness, as well as housing for refugees and the elderly, contribute to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable





Funding for energy-saving, climate proofing and coastal protection contribute to combat climate change as well as strengthen the resilience to climate related hazards and natural disasters.

About the UN’s 17 goals for sustainable development

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were agreed upon at the UN Summit in 2015 and came into force on 1 January 2016.


Through the adoption of the SDGs the UN’s member nations are obliged to work to abolish poverty and hunger thorughout the world, reduce inequality, ensure quality education and better health for all, decent jobs and a more sustainable economic growth. The goals also focus on promoting peace and security and strong institutions, as well as strenghtening international partnerships.


Thus the new agenda recognises that social, economic, and environmental development, peace, security and international collaboration is closely linked and that it requires an integrated effort to achieve lasting development results.


Read more on the UNDP’s page on the SDGs.